Your exhaled air warms the cold inhaled air
Airtrim is a heat/moisture exchanger that uses the moist and warmth from the exhaled air. While inhaling the filter warms the air and protect your airways from the cold.
Airtrim breathing mask is made of molded foam that covers both nose and mouth. Therefore Airtrim is extra comfortable and warming compared to other heat exchangers.
The filter becomes wet during continues use, for your comfort it is recommended to once in awhile blow the moist off with a sharp exhalation.
Wet filters are fragile. The mask and filters should always air-dry after use.
Airtrim is suitable for people that:
- are sensitive to cold air
- practice sport in cold weather
- work outside in wind and cold
- work in the freezer and refrigeration industry
- have asthma, COPD or suffer from angina
Airtrim works also very well for training in ski tunnels where the air often is very dry.
Airtrim can also be used as a life saving heat source at accidents. It takes longer to be cooled with the mask on.
Sport-, racing och astmafilter
Med Airtrim andningsmask levereras två filter. Ett sportfilter som lämpar sig särskilt för vinterträning och ett racingfilter med lägre luftmotstånd som lämpar sig för hårdare träning.
Airtrim finns även med astmafilter som lämpar sig för personer som har särskilt svårt med kyla, till exempel personer med astma, kol eller kärlkramp.
Temperature measurements in the breathing air with Airtrim
The temperature was measured 1 cm inside and 1 cm outside the filter. The measurements were made on a volunteer in a room with a temperature of -22°C and -10°C.
We have unfortunately no test results from using racing filters. However, the lower air resistance normally gives a lower inhaling temperature than the sport filter.
The measurements were made at the Arbetslivsinstitutet in Solna, Sweden.